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CMAS Pep Rally @3:00pm

Join us for our CMAS Pep Rally to root on our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade scholars as they prepare to take on CMAS the next few weeks!

CMAS Testing

5th Grade ELA Unit 1 5th Grade ELA Unit 2 4th Grade ELA Unit 1

CMAS Testing

4th Grade ELA Unit 2 and 3 5th Grade ELA Unit 3 and Science Unit 1

CMAS Testing

5th Grade Science Unit 2 and 3 3rd Grade ELA Unit 1

Parent Teacher Conferences- Friday, April 10th- No Classes for Scholars

Parent Teacher conferences are scheduled for Friday, April 10th from 8:00am-6:00pm.  Please call 303-329-8412 to schedule your conference if you do have one scheduled already.  There will be no classes on this day. Las conferencias de Padre/Maestro estan programados para el Viernes, 10 de abril de 8:00am-6:00pm.  Por favor de llamar al 303-329-8412 si no

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CMAS Testing

3rd Grade ELA Unit 2 and 3 4th Grade Social Studies Unit 1 and 2